Saturday, July 01, 2006

To Inspire...To Lead

My goodness! Zinadine Zindane!

Collectivism is a myth! I dont believe in it. I believe strongly in individualism, to such a level that Ayn Rand might be ashamed. I believe in the power of individual men not just to change the world, but also leave a lasting legacy.

But individualist, at times, seem to take a backseat. If you had watched Zindane directing traffic(every match might be his last), at 34, and making Brazil look lesser than mere mortals; more like flies to be swatted and little less than mere annoyance is a wonderful ode not only to individualism, but also to collectivism. An individual who inspires collectivism, without ever being aware of it is the greatest of all - One who plays the drama of life for his own sake, yet inspires others.

Gandhi, had he been born, 2000 years back might have supplanted Jesus. These men, are idealists. Gandhi was not like Jesus, because he discriminated and compromised, with Jinnah, a collectivist, a wile-creature, who, just like the Brits, divided and conquered, for the sake of power, money and ignomy in history.

But in the end, even independent, "moderate", self-righteous men, are moved by idealists. Take the likes of Bush, one who truly believes that democracy must reach one and all, and sacrifices his nation's finest young men to do so. As long as such individualist and idealist thrive, who inspire the world inspite of their single-minded self-love and idealism, the world will be much better place. A place, where lesser-willed men will be herded, slaughtered, but most importantly create a better world for their own good.


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